Monday, January 26, 2009

Time to look through my local newspaper

Glass ceiling still solid in Wisconsin government. The gist of the article is that since only 22% of the state Assembly and Senate, there is a disproportionate number of women serving in Wisconsin government. This would only be a valid argument if the Lt. Governor goes on to say that "women candidates often have to pushed to run". From this statement I infer that there are fewer women running for office than men. That means perhaps the number of women running are disproportionately successful. To illustrate, there are 100 positions available.
  • 500 men run for the 100 positions.
  • 50 women run for the 100 positions.
  • 22 of the positions were won by women.
  • 78 of the positions were won by men.

This means that women, based on the number of women running, were successful 44% of the time. Men, based on the number of men running, were successful 15.6% of the time. It looks to me like women have the advantage when you base it on the mix of the candidates.

The moral of the story is statistics can be used to support any claim. Beware.


Blagojevich won't attend impeachment

It's nice to see an honest Dem. for a change.


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