Friday, January 16, 2009

My list of undeniable truths

  • Labor unions never create innovation, but they do suppress innovation.
  • National Public Radio, and the state affiliates such as Wisconsin Public Radio, is politically at the far left.
  • Shame needs to recreated in society. Being on the dole (welfare) was such a shameful proposition that people would do anything to avoid the shame.
  • Welfare needs to be unmasked. There are many euphemisms used to disguise welfare such as school lunch programs, pre-kindergarten, any "tax refund" that is more than the amount withheld etc...
  • Governments can do nothing as efficiently and cost effectively as private industry.
  • To be considered qualified by the Democrats to oversee an industry, one must have no knowledge of that industry.
  • The Democrat party is not democratic and should not be so called.
  • Affirmative action is racism.
  • Jeremiah Wright, Jr. is a bigot and raciest.
  • Jessie Jackson's greatest talent is extortion.
  • Martin Luther King had a great vision, it's to bad none of the current crop of black leaders follow his vision.
  • George Bush kept his pants zipped up for 8 years.
  • The crime of invading the United States has been softened by calling the perpetrators undocumented aliens. They should be called criminal aliens and prosecuted at every opportunity.
  • The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution really does means that all citizens can have firearms.
  • Gun free zones are the safest place for a criminal to attack.

You can expect to see additions to this list in the future. Perhaps I will also expand on them.

Datadiver08 Jan 17, 2009

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