Friday, January 30, 2009
Me and Ron Kind (my congressman)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Time to look through my local newspaper
- 500 men run for the 100 positions.
- 50 women run for the 100 positions.
- 22 of the positions were won by women.
- 78 of the positions were won by men.
This means that women, based on the number of women running, were successful 44% of the time. Men, based on the number of men running, were successful 15.6% of the time. It looks to me like women have the advantage when you base it on the mix of the candidates.
The moral of the story is statistics can be used to support any claim. Beware.
Blagojevich won't attend impeachment
It's nice to see an honest Dem. for a change.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The big day
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Approval Ratings
Datadiver - Jan 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
My list of undeniable truths
- Labor unions never create innovation, but they do suppress innovation.
- National Public Radio, and the state affiliates such as Wisconsin Public Radio, is politically at the far left.
- Shame needs to recreated in society. Being on the dole (welfare) was such a shameful proposition that people would do anything to avoid the shame.
- Welfare needs to be unmasked. There are many euphemisms used to disguise welfare such as school lunch programs, pre-kindergarten, any "tax refund" that is more than the amount withheld etc...
- Governments can do nothing as efficiently and cost effectively as private industry.
- To be considered qualified by the Democrats to oversee an industry, one must have no knowledge of that industry.
- The Democrat party is not democratic and should not be so called.
- Affirmative action is racism.
- Jeremiah Wright, Jr. is a bigot and raciest.
- Jessie Jackson's greatest talent is extortion.
- Martin Luther King had a great vision, it's to bad none of the current crop of black leaders follow his vision.
- George Bush kept his pants zipped up for 8 years.
- The crime of invading the United States has been softened by calling the perpetrators undocumented aliens. They should be called criminal aliens and prosecuted at every opportunity.
- The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution really does means that all citizens can have firearms.
- Gun free zones are the safest place for a criminal to attack.
You can expect to see additions to this list in the future. Perhaps I will also expand on them.
Datadiver08 Jan 17, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Electric cars a danger!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Zero sum economics
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A New Organization
- Global warming is real and man made.
- The government is the solution to all problems.
- The minority should rule the majority.
- Some people need preferential treatment because of past wrongs.
- I am superior to anyone who is not a liberal.
- Individual rights are not important for the greater good of society.
- Rules are for others, not for me.
- The most important thing the Unites States should work for is to be loved by other countries.
- The Unites States should use international interpretation of laws as a guideline for U.S. law.
- The U.S. Constitution is outdated and needs to be revised. The revision committee should include "nationality challenged individuals".
Here it is.
For the purpose of saving the planet, vehicle speed limits should be set for each vehicle based on the EPA highway mileage ratings. These speed limit guidelines have been approved by the United Nations but are not binding for developing countries.
- Ratings below 15 MPG would be limited to 40 MPH.
- Ratings 15 - 20 MPG would be limited to 45 MPH.
- Ratings 20 - 25 MPG would be limited to 50 MPH.
- Ratings 25 - 30 MPH would be limited to 55 MPH.
- Ratings 30 and above would be limited to 60 MPH.
Addendum A
- E-85 vehicles can jump up 1/2 a category.
- Gas - electric vehicles can jump up 1/2 and category.
- E-85 - electric vehicles can jump up 1 full category if random E-85 testing is done.
- Diesel vehicles using bio-fuel can increase by 1 a category if the exhaust does not smell like McDonald's french fries.
- Diesel bio-fuel (non McDonald's smelling) - electric vehicles can increase up to 1.5 categories depending on the source of the electricity used to charge the vehicle. Call the U.S. Government power plant hot line at 1-666-262-5223 (1-666-COA-LBAD) to determine the source of fuel used by your local power plant.
- Full electric vehicles can go as fast and as far and they can.
Any vehicle not specifically defined by the above regulations should not be driven until you petition the U.S. Government Department of Speed Regulation for their verdict. E-mail your petition to Speed of reply will depend upon completeness of your petition. Please call the U.S. Government Department of Speed Regulations hot line at 1-666-786-2986 (1-666-RUN-BYUN) for assistance in determining the completeness of your petition form.
Please don't send this to a liberal. They might think it is a good idea.
Datadiver 1-1-2009