Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tipping the scale

We need to start planning to win the war against the gimmies and guilty white people. First, I want to make sure you know my definitions of gimmies and guilty white people.

Gimmies are anyone who want the government to provide for their existence. Examples of gimmies are;

  • Unions, especially the Teachers Union. Actual teachers are not necessarily included in this category. The Teachers Union is another matter. The Teachers Union is really a big bad pseudo corporation and they act as such. Most of the teachers I know are held back by the Teachers Union rather than promoting the good ones. As with most unions, the good workers are held back while that bad workers are propped up.
  • Anyone who can but won't support themselves. This includes the majority of persons who have been on welfare for more than 2 years total in their life. As with politics, welfare was never meant to be a career.

Specifically excluded from the list of gimmies are those who cannot help themselves.

Guilty white people are primarily white liberals who have taken it upon themselves to make sure minorities are held down by telling them repeatedly that they cannot make it in society unless the guilty white people help them. Examples of guilty white people are;

  • Liberals who have money. They just know that at some point one of their ancestors made their money on the backs of minorities and others to which they feel superior.
  • The Jessie Jacksons of the world (yes, you can have 'black' angry white people) who have made a great deal of money through the extortion of business, primarily owned by other guilty white people.
  • Liberal politicians of all colors. Yes, being a guilty white person is an equal opportunity position.
  • Anyone associated with the ACLU.

If the balance tips, us who fund the "gimmies / angry white peoples" projects (of course they would never think of using their own money) will become an endangered species and the United States will go the way of the Roman Empire. If we all do our part, we can stem the tide and prevent the destruction of the greatest, most generous, and benevolent country the world has ever known.

How can you stem the tide? Let your senators and representatives, both state and federal, know your thoughts. Use the Internet to find out who they are and do it!


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