Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gaia Worship?

In the local newspaper today was an column titled "Go on a picnic with the sun". While I agree that going on a picnic on a sunny day is preferable, that was not what the column was about. Gaia worship is a movement that is sometimes called earth worship. The best definition I have seen of Gaia worship is that Gaia worship is diametrically opposite to Christianity, Judaism and Islam beliefs and makes no allowance for a one true God who created all things of nature. Instead, it holds that all earth and all of nature is god, comprised of many gods and goddesses. I enthusiastically sent an e-mail to the newspaper hoping they will have the courage to print it as a letter to the editor. You can read the column at In case the newspaper decides not to print my letter to the editor I will add it to this blog. ************************************************************ If you did not read Joe Orso’s March 22 column titled “Go on a picnic with the sun” I would encourage you to do so. I read it four times.
  • The first time I thought that perhaps he was a flower child misplaced in time from the 60s.
  • The second time I thought the column should have been on the religion page with the sub title “How I became a Gaia Worshiper”.
  • The third time I thought surly he was being sarcastic.
  • The fourth time I became concerned that he was being serious.

A few of the more memorable excerpts are; “The sun can no longer be only a source of light ……….. we have to make friends with it” and “…. we must come to see the obvious, we are not the only things alive here, nor the most important” and “you can ask ……….. the cardinal can teach you about death.

I certainly hope my thought about this column being sarcastic was right because if it was not, Joe it’s time to go on a picnic with a psychiatrist.



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