Sunday, February 8, 2009

What if?

The government is proposing the registration of guns and a ban on certain types of firearms. If this happens the citizens of our land will be denied the right to protect themselves, their family and their community. The government wants to control who has firearms so they will be the sole authority of the society in which we live. To which government am I referring? The British. If the British could have imposed the control President Obama wants to establish, the revolution could not have taken place and the United States would still be a British Colony. For this exact reason the framers of our government included the following in some of our most revered documents.

We must all be watchful of creeping government control. If the U.S. government is really a "government of the people, by the people, for the people" (the Gettysburg address) such control is not necessary. However, …………………………


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