Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good words gone missing!

Last Nov 24 I wrote about good words gone bad. Now it's time to look at good words gone missing.
  • Pursue

Webster's dictionary defines pursue as "employing measures to obtain". The related word pursuit has the same meaning. You may have heard this word in the Declaration of Independence. The entire sentence is "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

There is no guarantee of happiness, no right of happiness, no entitlement of happiness and no assurance of happiness. Don't wait around for someone else to get it for you. Go pursue it!

  • Self Esteem

While technically not a single word, in common usage it's treated as a single word. Webster's dictionary defines self esteem as " a confidence and satisfaction in oneself ". Far to many people are waiting around for someone to give them self esteem. This is especially true in our school systems. Self esteem is best found and kept by treating others in a respectful manner. A person who does not act respectfully does not deserve any self esteem and I certainly an not worried about giving it to them.

  • Work

Webster's dictionary defines work as " a duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood ".

Unfortunately the more common definition is "the measure of effort one makes to avoid doing any useful activity" or "the measure of effort one makes to live by means of using money taken from others against their will". The modern phrase used is working the system.

Enough for now. Sorry for the gap between the last log and this one. I was having a bout of OID (Obama Induced Depression).


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