Sunday, January 16, 2011

Two Documents

The Bible and the U.S. Constitution are two amazing books / documents.   Both have come under attack for not being relevant because they were written in a different time, for a different audience and are not applicable in our modern society.

Were either of them written based on the technologies of their times?   Were either of them devoted to explaining  their relevance based on the constraints of their societies?  
The answer is no.

Both were written to the address the human condition.   Human's have not changed significantly since the times either was written.   There are no human emotions, strengths or weaknesses that exist today that did not exist at the time of the writing of the Bible or U.S. Constitution.   Because both deal with the human condition they be relevant as long as their are humans.

Any attempt to alter, revise or dismiss them should be met with your full objection.


p.s.   Remember, the U.S. Constitution is a document tells government what it cannot do.   One of the things government is restrained from doing is interfering with religion.   There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that refers to a separation of church and state.   It is a one way restriction.   Religion can and must be an important part of the governing process.   Religion is the only source of moral constraint.   Without religious moral guidelines, government can be nothing other than oppressive and repressive.

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