Is it to take care of those without health care?
No one in the United States need to have a lack of health care. If health care insurance (no it's not free) is not included in the benefits package of an employer, the United States has many federal programs to provide health care as do many states. As a last resort, by law hospitals cannot refuse health care to those without insurance. Effectively this means that 100% of Americans have a source of health care.
Health care insurance is another story. It would be nice to have everyone covered by some type of private health care insurance, but this will never happen. To morf the entire health care system into a bloated government program to provide insurance to quite a small minority is the grossest overkill I can imagine. Therefore, concern about those without health care insurance is a smoke screen perpetuated by Washington liberals to hide their real reason.
As with everything in the Washington liberal agenda, power is the reason.
If they can take over another 15.2% of the U.S. economy that is currently spent on health care ( projected to rise to 19.5% of the GDP by 2017 according to Wikipedia ) it will make us even more subjugated to the Washington elite.
Think about this carefully before it's to late. Make your views known to your state representatives and congressmen, especially if they are Democrats. Remember, very few people contact their representatives so you can have a disproportionate amount of influence with them.
Datadiver 12-25-2008
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