Tuesday, November 18, 2008


As a person who is on the wrong end of bailouts (a giver, not a receiver) I am quite tired of those who were caught in self created bad situations wining about getting their share from the government trough, First up to bat we have the persons who had no business owing a home agreeing to mortgages they could not afford. You noticed that I used the term “agreeing” as the action of the individual. They are not a victim. They spun their own web in which they are now stuck. Oh, I forgot there are not stuck, they are reaching into my back pocket because they deserve to own a home even if I pay for it. Forget the home mortgage bailout and let home prices adjust themselves to their real value. Second up to bat are the UAW and BIG 3. Bail them out or the world will end. What needs to end is the foolish labor agreement between the BIG 3 and the UAW. For the BIG 3 costs per hour are not competitive in their manufacturing operation. Big surprise, they are losing money. Don’t mistake me, I have no problem with their labor agreements, only that I as a person who was not a party to those agreement is being asked to forcefully contribute to the resolution of the problem. I have always bought cars made in the U.S., yes even in the 70s and 80s, but that could change. I have heard the argument that foreign auto manufacturers are subsidized by their respective governments and that may be true. However, when I purchase a car I expect that I have covered all the details of payment and costs and will not be asked to pay an additional “bailout”. This bailout is the real cause of the “giant sucking sound” that I have heard of for years. Who knows who is next up to bat? Once the trough is open the little pigs will come running. My problem is that it is me they are running over to get to the trough. Datadiver08

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