Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is Obama a Muslim?

Ponder this!

  • According to most interpretations of Sharia law, leaving Islam is equal to treason and is punishable by death.
  • According to Islam, if you are the child of a Muslim man, you are Muslim.
  • Obama by claiming to be a Christian has pronounced his own death sentence in the eyes of many in the Muslim world.
Now, how much does the Muslim world trust Obama?


Monday, August 2, 2010

Guaranteed Arizona Cardinals Vicory

Step 1.   Rename them the Arizona Illegals

Step 2.   Play ball.   Nothing more is required.

  • The refs will be afraid to throw a penalty flag in fear of being called racist.
  • You can have an many players on the field as you want.
  • No need to hire English language translators.   No one speaks English anyway.
  • No one will keep score so no one can loose.
  • The football will no longer be called a 'pigskin' just in case some of the illegals are not Hispanic (read Middle Eastern).
  • The team owners will have a lower payroll because no taxes are paid.
Feel free to add your own bullets as a comment.


Criminal Immigration Directions

Enforce it,
Amend it,
or get out of the way
