Friday, April 10, 2009

Are we a Christian nation?

President Obama recently stated that the United States is not a Christian nation. The United States was most certainly created by Christians who used the Judeo Christian ethic as a model for the basis of our nation and laws. While he is historically incorrect, perhaps we should use his statement as a warning. I think our nation is indeed sliding toward becoming not only a non Christian nation but a non religious nation. This can only lead to moral decay and corruption, which has in human history always lead to the downfall a civilization. What can we do to reverse the degradation of our society? It is up to us to do the very hard work of making sure the leaders we elect are worthy of our Founding Fathers. On what framework can we make this decision? The Bible and U.S. Constitution are the best resources we can use to elect wise leaders. Anyone who tells you that the Bible and Constitution not relevant today is not to be trusted. The Bible and Constitution are based not on a historical timeframe, which changes, but on human nature which has remained a constant throughout recorded history. I ask that you consider what I have written. Datadiver08